Odio quando mia mamma mi chiede a Jeff. So che sono sopra con lui, ma  การแปล - Odio quando mia mamma mi chiede a Jeff. So che sono sopra con lui, ma  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Odio quando mia mamma mi chiede a J

Odio quando mia mamma mi chiede a Jeff. So che sono sopra con lui, ma era anche a volte fa schifo quando ti ha dato così tanto da ricordare che un buon memorizza. Odio quando mia mamma mi chiede perche ' vuoi andare in Nuova Zelanda? Vuoi incontrare nuovamente i suoi genitori? Beh non so come spiegare a mia madre. Voglio andare in Nuova Zelanda quest'anno perché l'anno scorso abbiamo parlato di tutto. abbiamo in programma un sacco di cose da fare in Nuova Zelanda, ma ora so che ci siamo lasciati, ma ho ancora voglia di andare lì perché voglio viaggiare e godere la mia vita. Voglio andare lì non a causa di lui tornerà alla sua città natale. Voglio solo divertirsi e godere la mia vita ancora
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
I hate it when my mom asks me to Jeff. I know I'm over with him, but he was also sometimes sucks when you gave so much to remember that a good stores. I hate it when my mom asks me why you want to go in New Zealand? Want to meet her parents again? Well I don't know how to explain to my mother. I want to go in New Zealand this year because last year we talked about everything. We plan a lot of things to do in New Zealand, but now I know that we broke up, but I still want to go there because I want to travel and enjoy my life. I want to go there because of him will return to his hometown. I just want to have fun and enjoy my life again
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
I hate when my mom asks me to Jeff. I know I'm over him, but it was also sometimes sucks when you gave so much to remember that a good store. I hate when my mom asks me 'cause you want to go to New Zealand? Want to meet his parents again? Well I do not know how to explain to my mother. I want to go to New Zealand this year because last year we talked about everything. we plan a lot of things to do in New Zealand, but now I know that we broke up, but I still want to go there because I want to travel and enjoy my life. I want to go there not because of his return to his hometown. I just want to have fun and enjoy my life again
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I hate it when my mother asks me to Jeff. I know that they are above with him, but it was also sometimes sucks when you gave so much to remember that a good stores. I hate it when my mom asked me why do you want to go in New Zealand? You want to meet again his parents? Well i don't know how to explain to my mother.I want to go to New Zealand this year because last year we talked about everything; we have in program a lot of things to do in New Zealand, but now I know that we left, but I still want to go there because i want to travel and enjoy my life. I want to go there because of him will return to his hometown. I just have fun and enjoy my life again
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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