The problem 3
nursing diagnoses. The risk of complications after surgery
data supporting O: patient anesthesia type General Anesthesia
O: patients undergoing surgery Modified. Radical mastectomy
O: after the operation, patients have nausea and vomiting cough with phlegm
.The purpose, no complications after surgery
evaluation criteria.
- patients with no bleeding. Normal breathing, can make the CIA sputum out effectively. The movement of the body in the first day after the drivers operation
.- Vital sign normal P = 60-100 times / minute R = 16-24 times / minute T = 36.4-37.5 C
BP = 90 / 60-120 / 80 mmHg
1.Checke nursing activities. Vital sign before surgery. To compare the symptoms before and after passing the cut
2.After the operation back to Check Vital sign every 15 minutes 4 times. Every 30 minutes 2 times and every 1 hours until Vital sign are within normal range. Surgery is due to blood loss. Due to the slow pulse, blood circulation disorders.GA which is able to press the breathing after surgery, patients may have shortness of breath. Or use the muscle can help breathing must CheckVital sign often because it allows the detected abnormalities ของระบบไหลเวียนเลือด. And breathing (สุปาณี. Sena, disk?2547: page 692-698)
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