Mai cedere, rubare, ingannare o se devi cedere, fallo fra le braccia della persona che devi rubare, ruba il tempo che vuoi per devi ingannare, inganna la morte...e se devi bere, inebriati dei momenti che ti tolgono il respiro.
Never give in, steal, cheat or if you have to give in, do it in the arms of the person who you must steal, steal the time for you must cheat, cheat death ... and if you must drink, intoxicated of the moments that take your breath away.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Never give in, steal, cheat or drink ... but if you have to give in, do it in the arms of the one you love ... if you must steal, steal the time you want for you ... if you have to deceive, deceive the death .. .and if you must drink, inebriated moments that take your breath away.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..