Tesoro ti ho mai parlato di un investimento ad Amsterdam? Im forse tra 1 mese andrà li. Siamo 4 amici già da un anno in ricerca di un locale li ad Amsterdam. Forse apriremo ristorante italiano li. Im resterà li 3 mesi l'anno se tutto va bene.
Darling I never mentioned an investment in Amsterdam? IM maybe 1 month will go there. We are 4 friends already for a year in search of a room there. Maybe we will open them Italian restaurant. IM will be there 3 months a year if all goes well.
Treasure you never talked of an investment in Amsterdam? Im perhaps between 1 month going. We are 4 friends a year ago in search of a local li in Amsterdam. Perhaps going italian restaurant. Im will remain li 3 months a year if all goes well.