Io non voglio solo il meglio di te. Io voglio tutto di te, ti voglio spettinata e con gli occhi gonfi accanto a me la mattina, ti voglio in pigiama e con le coperte fino al collo, ti voglio nervosa, capricciosa. Non voglio solo il meglio di te, voglio il peggio, soprattutto quello.
I don't want only the best for you. I want all of you, I love you uncombed and with puffy eyes next to me in the morning, I love you in pajamas with blankets up to his neck, I love you jittery, whimsical. I don't want only the best for you, I want the worst, above all that.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I do not want only the best of you. I want all of you, I want you disheveled and with swollen eyes next to me in the morning, I want you in pajamas and with the covers up to my neck, I want you nervous, capricious. I do not want only the best of you, I want the worst, especially.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I do not want only the best of you. I want all of you, i sketched and with eyes were swollen beside me the morning, I want you in their pajamas and blankets up to her neck, i want you nervous, capricciosa. I am not only the best of you, I want the worse, especially the one.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..