The advantage of a face magnetic and indecipherable as his, with those two slots of ice slightly imborsite (despite his young age, 29 years old in February), eloquent more than a thousand words, a little bit at Brad Pitt (without bother Paul Newman), a contemporary style-elegant, effortlessly keep track cool, and a chameleon vocation on the set,May be the one to become the actor (between the beginners) more contested of the moment to Hollywood.E see deliver the title of "novello DiCaprio": the similarity is in fact impressive (see the young Leo Happy birthday Mr. Grape). I am very happy with this? His admiration for the colleague and Tanta, but Dane DeHaan looks well beyond.
The disadvantage, if we can define - may instead be to receive proposals for interpreting especially characters from ambiguous fascination is cloudy, when not to bad.
child prodigy, after the diploma at the North Carolina School of Arts,He moved to New York where he made his debut in the theaters of Broadway with success - even if he says that he not be considered good enough for the theater - earning a Objections Award for the interpretation of the lone student Evan Shelmerdine in production The aliens by Annie Baker. Then it was a teen gay in conflict with parents in Hbo series In treatment,That marked his debut on Tv; shy matura victim of bullying and violence in the home that, suddenly with superpowers, He exacts revenge in the film of science fiction Chronicle; clandestine distiller of whisky (a so-called "moonshiner") next to Shia LaBeouf in the dramatic Lawless of director John Hillcoat and the screenplay is by Nick Cave. And again:Intense and moving in the role of Jason, the good son of bad Ryan Gosling in the film of Derek Cianfrance The place beyond the pines ( "Like a thunder" ); introvert is damned, in balance between empathy and rage submerged, Kill your darlings-Young Rebels next to Daniel Radcliffe (in the role of Allen Ginsberg); bad in clothes of Green Goblin in The amazing Spider-Man 2,But also brilliant in some respects in black comedy Life after Beth.
"i Choose roles that i offer on the basis of the potential that i see to grow interpreting them, li i as opportunities to improve the profession of actor. The task seems impossible to most at the end I am convinced of wanting to do. I like challenges, always repeat the same character i bored",Says the actor originating in Pennsylvania.
his voice, on the phone, and relaxed, friendly. He lives in Brooklyn with the beautiful wife, the actress Anna Wood, and the dog. But the most important test, on everyone's lips now for months and that many will be its consecration, is coming to the cinema with Life of Anton Corbijn's,Film in which interprets the difficult role of James Dean. The film is focused on the relationship of friendship between the actor de La valle dell'Eden and the photographer of Life magazine Dennis Stock (played by Robert Pattinson). "The history covers a period of two weeks in the life of James Dean, just before the exit of his famous film.Dennis Stock was tasked with documenting for the first time the life of the divo. Then travelled together from Los Angeles to New York, up to the home of the actor in the Indiana. Some of his images are the best known born precisely during those two weeks," he says. The comparison with "The giant" of the cinema had initially done fear a Dane to not be at the height of the role."I was not sure you want to accept, it seemed to me beyond my ability. A challenge too great, but perhaps it is precisely for this reason that I accepted, to see up to that point i could go. Before you start shooting i had four months of time to study the character, read, watch documentaries and interviews. James Dean is my favorite actor ever,We wanted to honor him as you should. For look_like him as much as possible, even in physical, i had to increase the muscle mass of ten kilos. The most difficult thing was to learn to speak like him, had a cadence precise, as well as the pitch of the voice. I hope with this film to show to the new generations who was James Dean really" .
unlike the myth,Shut down at just 24 years for a road accident, his passion for racing cars and a style of life, based on the philosophy of the carpe diem Dane prefers the slow side of things: son of his generation (and parents who work in the world of information technology) uses Twitter but also plays golf. "I find it relaxing, and how to meditate. It helps me to empty the mind,To remain focused and with the feet on the ground. I have my travel kit, which i always have with me also in transportation work" .
When not on the green dabbles with music, a passion that has led him to recite in the film-concert Through the never of Metallica and, more recently, in music video I bet my life of the group american pop Imagine Dragons.But ensures that you do not have any ambitions from rocker, as colleagues Jared Leto or the more mature Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner. "Sound a bit of guitar, but nothing more. I like the old rock school, Bob Dylan, music that makes me feel good" .
In an era in which the celebrity and all, Dane lives her by antistar: "On the positive side, it allows me to do things that I love the most,Just as recite". Between the coming projects of Dane, the new film Tulip fever, which is set in Amsterdam of the XVII century and based on the novel by Deborah Moggach, with Judi Dench and directed by Justin Chadwick, in output in spring.
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