Il vantaggio di un volto magnetico e indecifrabile come il suo, con qu การแปล - Il vantaggio di un volto magnetico e indecifrabile come il suo, con qu อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Il vantaggio di un volto magnetico

Il vantaggio di un volto magnetico e indecifrabile come il suo, con quelle due fessure di ghiaccio lievemente imborsite (nonostante la giovane età, 29 anni a febbraio), eloquenti più di mille parole, un po’ alla Brad Pitt (senza scomodare Paul Newman), di uno stile contemporaneo-elegante, effortlessly cool, e di una vocazione camaleontica sul set, può essere quello di diventare l’attore (fra gli esordienti) più conteso del momento a Hollywood.E vedersi consegnare il titolo di “novello DiCaprio”: la somiglianza è in effetti impressionante (si veda il giovane Leo di Buon compleanno Mr. Grape). Felice di questo? L’ammirazione per il collega è tanta, ma Dane DeHaan guarda ben oltre.

Lo svantaggio – se così si può definire – può invece essere quello di ricevere proposte per interpretare soprattutto personaggi dal fascino ambiguo e torbido, quando non da cattivo.

Bambino prodigio, dopo il diploma alla North Carolina School of Arts, si è trasferito a New York dove ha debuttato nei teatri di Broadway con successo – anche se afferma di non considerarsi abbastanza bravo per il teatro – guadagnandosi un Obie Award per l’interpretazione del solitario studente Evan Shelmerdine nella produzione The aliens di Annie Baker. Poi è stato un adolescente gay in conflitto con i genitori nella serie della Hbo In treatment, che ha segnato il suo debutto in Tv; schivo liceale vittima di bullismo e violenze domestiche che, improvvisamente dotato di superpoteri, si vendica nel film di fantascienza Chronicle; distillatore clandestino di whisky (un cosiddetto “moonshiner”) accanto a Shia LaBeouf nel drammatico Lawless del regista John Hillcoat e con la sceneggiatura di Nick Cave. E ancora: intenso e commovente nel ruolo di Jason, il figlio buono del cattivo Ryan Gosling nel film di Derek Cianfrance The place beyond the pines (“Come un tuono”); introverso e dannato, in equilibrio tra empatia e rabbia sommersa, in Kill your darlings-Giovani ribelli accanto a Daniel Radcliffe (nel ruolo di Allen Ginsberg); cattivo nei panni di Green Goblin in The amazing Spider-Man 2, ma anche brillante per certi versi nella black comedy Life after Beth.

"Scelgo i ruoli che mi propongono in base alla potenzialità che intravedo di crescere interpretandoli, li valuto come occasioni di migliorare nel mestiere di attore. Più il compito mi sembra impossibile più alla fine mi convinco di volerlo fare. Mi piacciono le sfide, ripetere sempre lo stesso personaggio mi annoia", dice l’attore originario della Pennsylvania.

La sua voce, al telefono, è rilassata, cordiale. Vive a Brooklyn con la bellissima moglie, l’attrice Anna Wood, e il cane. Ma la prova più importante, sulla bocca di tutti ormai da mesi e che, a detta di molti, sarà la sua consacrazione, sta per arrivare al cinema con Life di Anton Corbijn, pellicola in cui interpreta il difficile ruolo di James Dean. Il film è incentrato sul rapporto di amicizia tra l’attore de La valle dell’Eden e il fotografo della rivista Life Dennis Stock (interpretato da Robert Pattinson). "La storia copre un arco di tempo di due settimane nella vita di James Dean, poco prima dell’uscita del suo celebre film. Dennis Stock era stato incaricato di documentare per la prima volta la vita del divo. Viaggiarono quindi insieme da Los Angeles a New York, fino alla casa dell’attore nell’Indiana. Alcune delle sue immagini più note sono nate proprio durante quelle due settimane", racconta. Il confronto con “Il gigante” del cinema aveva inizialmente fatto temere a Dane di non essere all’altezza del ruolo. "Non ero sicuro di voler accettare, mi sembrava oltre le mie possibilità. Una sfida troppo grande, ma forse è proprio per questo che poi ho accettato, per vedere fino a che punto potevo spingermi. Prima di iniziare le riprese ho avuto quattro mesi di tempo per studiare il personaggio, leggere, guardare documentari e interviste. James Dean è il mio attore preferito di sempre, ci tenevo a onorarlo come si deve. Per assomigliargli il più possibile, anche nel fisico, ho dovuto aumentare la massa muscolare di dieci chili. La cosa più difficile è stata imparare a parlare come lui, aveva una cadenza ben precisa, così come l’intonazione della voce. Spero con questo film di mostrare alle nuove generazioni chi era James Dean veramente".

A differenza del mito, spentosi a soli 24 anni per un incidente stradale, alla passione per le auto da corsa e per uno stile di vita basato sulla filosofia del carpe diem Dane preferisce il lato slow delle cose: figlio della sua generazione (e di genitori che lavorano nel mondo dell’informatica) usa Twitter ma gioca anche a golf. "Lo trovo rilassante, è come meditare. Mi aiuta a svuotare la mente, a restare concentrato e con i piedi per terra. Ho il mio kit da viaggio, che porto sempre con me anche nelle trasferte di lavoro".

Quando non è sul green si diletta con la musica, passione che lo ha portato a recitare nel film-concerto Through the never dei Metallica e, più di recente, nel video musicale I bet my life del gruppo pop americano Imagine Dragons. Ma assicura di non avere velleità da rocker, come i colleghi Jared Leto o i più maturi Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe e Kevin Costner. "Suono un po’ la chitarra, ma niente di più. Mi piace il rock old school, alla Bob Dylan, musica che mi fa star bene".

In un’era in cui la celebrità è tutto, Dane vive la sua da antistar: "Il lato positivo è che mi permette di fare le cose che amo di più, come appunto recitare". Tra i prossimi progetti di Dane, il nuovo film Tulip fever, ambientato nella Amsterdam del XVII secolo e tratto dal romanzo di Deborah Moggach, con Judi Dench e la regia di Justin Chadwick, in uscita in primavera.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The advantage of a magnetic face and indecipherable as his, with those two ice slightly imborsite cracks (despite his young age, 29 years in February), speak a thousand words, a little Brad Pitt (without troubling Paul Newman), a contemporary style-elegant, effortlessly cool and chameleon-like vocation on the set, it may be to become the actor (including beginners) more contested of the moment in Hollywood and have delivered the title "novello DiCaprio": the resemblance is actually impressive (see the young Leo of happy birthday Mr Grape). Happy about this? The admiration for the fellow is such, but Dane DeHaan looks far beyond. The disadvantage – if one can define – can be to receive proposals for interpreting especially ambiguous charm characters and murky, when not bad. Child prodigy, after graduating from the North Carolina School of Arts, he moved to New York where he debuted in Broadway theaters successfully – although not considered says pretty good for theatre – earning an Obie Award for the interpretation of the solitary student Evan Gupta in The aliens by Annie Baker. Then it was a gay teenager in conflict with parents in the Hbo series In treatment, which marked his debut on Tv; a shy high school girl victim of bullying and domestic violence suddenly endowed with superpowers, takes revenge in fiction film Chronicle; clandestine distillers of whiskey (a so-called "" moonshiner "") alongside Shia LaBeouf in drama Lawless of the Director John Hillcoat and with a screenplay by Nick Cave. And again: intense and moving into the role of Jason, the good son of the villain Ryan Gosling in Derek Cianfrance's film The place beyond the pines ("Like Thunder"); introverted and damned, in balance between empathy and anger flooded, in Kill your darlings-young rebels alongside Daniel Radcliffe (as Allen Ginsberg); bad as Green Goblin in The amazing Spider-Man 2, but also to some extent in brilliant black comedy Life after Beth. "I choose the roles that I have based on the potential that I can grow them interpreting it I like to improve bargains in the craft as an actor. The task seems impossible more eventually I get to want to do. I like challenges, always repeat the same character bores me, "says the actor originally from Pennsylvania. His voice, over the phone, is relaxed, friendly. He lives in Brooklyn with his beautiful wife, the actress Anna Wood, and the dog. But the most important evidence on everyone's lips for months and, according to many, will be his consecration, is coming to cinema with Life by Anton Corbijn, the film in which he plays the difficult role of James Dean. The film focuses on the relationship between the actor de East of Eden and the Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson). The story covers a period of two weeks in the life of James Dean, shortly before the release of his famous film. Dennis Stock had been commissioned to document for the first time the life of the star. Then they traveled together from Los Angeles to New York, to the actor's House in Indiana. Some of his most famous images were born during those two weeks, "he says. The comparison with "the giant" of cinema had initially feared a Dane of not being up to the role. "I wasn't sure it would accept, it seemed beyond my ability. A challenge too great, but perhaps it is precisely because of this that I later accepted, to see how far I could go. Before you start shooting I had four months to investigate the character, reading, watching documentaries and interviews. James Dean is my favorite actor ever, I wanted to honor him as it should. To resemble as much as possible, even physically, I had to increase the muscle mass of ten pounds. The hardest thing was learning to talk like him, has a well-defined Cadence, as well as the pitch of the voice. I hope with this film to show to new generations who was James Dean really ". Unlike the myth, died just 24 years for a traffic accident, the passion for racing cars and to a lifestyle based on the philosophy of carpe diem Dane prefers the slow side of things: son of his generation (and parents working in the computing world) use Twitter but also plays golf. "I find it relaxing, it's like meditating. It helps me clear my mind, to remain focused and with his feet on the ground. I have my travel kit, which I always carry with me on trips to work. " When not on the green delights with music, a passion that led him to star in the film-concert "Through the never" by Metallica and, more recently, in the music video I bet my life pop American band Imagine Dragons. But ensures they have ambitions to rocker, as colleagues Jared Leto or more mature Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner. "A little guitar Sound, but nothing more. I like the old school rock, Bob Dylan, the music that makes me feel good. " In an age where the celebrity is all about, Dane lives by antistar: "the positive side is that it allows me to do things I love most, such as reciting". Among the upcoming projects of Dane, the new film Tulip fever, set in Amsterdam in the 17th century and based on the novel by Deborah Moggach, with Judi Dench and directed by Justin Chadwick, coming out in the spring.-See more at:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The advantage of a face magnetic and indecipherable as his, with those two slots of ice slightly imborsite (despite his young age, 29 years in February), more eloquent than a thousand words, a little 'to Brad Pitt (without resorting to Paul Newman) , a contemporary-stylish, effortlessly cool, and a vocation chameleon on the set, it can be to become the actor (among rookies) most disputed of the moment to deliver Hollywood.E seeing the title of "new DiCaprio": the resemblance is indeed impressive (see the young Leo's Eating Gilbert Grape). Happy about this? Admiration for his colleague is so great, but Dane DeHaan looks well beyond. The downside - if it can be defined - can instead be to receive proposals to interpret particular characters from its ambiguous and murky, when not to bad. A child prodigy, after graduating from North Carolina School of the Arts, he moved to New York where he made ​​his debut on Broadway with success - even if claims not considered good enough for the theater - earning an Obie Award for his portrayal of solitary student Evan Shelmerdine The aliens in the production of Annie Baker. Then it was a gay teenager in conflict with parents in the HBO series In Treatment, which marked his debut on TV; bashful schoolboy victim of bullying and domestic violence that suddenly has super powers, she takes it in the science fiction film Chronicle; clandestine distiller of whiskey (a so-called "moonshiner") opposite Shia LaBeouf in dramatic Lawless director John Hillcoat and with a screenplay by Nick Cave. And yet: intense and moving into the role of Jason, the son of the good bad Ryan Gosling in the film by Derek Cianfrance The place beyond the pines ("Like a Thunder"); introverted and damned, in balance between empathy and anger submerged in Kill your darlings-Young Rebels alongside Daniel Radcliffe (in the role of Allen Ginsberg); in the role of villain Green Goblin in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but also brilliant in some ways in the black comedy Life after Beth. "I choose roles that I propose based on the potential that I see growing interpreting them, I rate them as opportunities to improve in the craft of acting. The more the task seems impossible to me more in the end I am convinced you want to do. I like challenges, repeat the same character boring, "says the actor originally from Pennsylvania. His voice, on the phone, you relaxed, friendly. He lives in Brooklyn with his beautiful wife, actress Anna Wood, and the dog. But the most important, on everyone's lips for months now, and that, according to many, will be his consecration, is coming to the cinema with Life by Anton Corbijn, the film in which she plays the difficult role of James Dean. The film focuses on the friendship between the actor de East of Eden and the photographer of Life magazine Dennis Stock (played by Robert Pattinson). "The story covers a period of two weeks in the life of James Dean, shortly before the release of his famous films. Dennis Stock was commissioned to document for the first time the life of the star. They traveled together from Los Angeles to then New York, to the house of the actor in Indiana. Some of his most famous images were created precisely during those two weeks, "he says. The comparison with "The Giant" film had initially raised concerns in Dane's not up to the role. "I was not sure you want to accept, it seemed beyond my ability. A challenge too big, but maybe that's why I accepted then, to see how far I could push myself. Before we started shooting I had four months time to study the character, reading, watching documentaries and interviews. James Dean is my favorite actor of all time, I wanted to honor him as they should. To look like him as much as possible, even in the physical, I had to increase muscle mass than ten pounds . The hardest thing was to learn to speak like him, had a cadence very specific, as well as the pitch of the voice. I hope with this film to show the younger generation who was really James Dean ". Unlike the myth, who died in only 24 years for a car accident, the passion for racing cars and a lifestyle based on the philosophy of carpe diem Dane prefers the slow side of things: the son of his generation (and parents who work in the computer world ) use Twitter but also plays golf. "I find it relaxing, is how to meditate. It helps me to clear your mind, to stay focused and down to earth. I have my travel kit, which I always carry with me even in business trips." When not on the green is delighted with the music, a passion that led him to act in the film-concert Through the never Metallica and, more recently, in the music video I bet my life group American pop Imagine Dragons. But ensure you do not have ambitions to rocker, as colleagues Jared Leto or more mature Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner. "Sounds a bit 'guitar, but nothing more. I like the old school rock, Bob Dylan, music that makes me feel good." In an era when the celebrity is all, Dane lives her from antistar: "The positive side is that it allows me to do things I love the most, just as acting". Among the upcoming projects of Dane, the new film Tulip Fever, set in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century and the novel by Deborah Moggach, with Judi Dench and directed by Justin Chadwick, out in the spring. - See more at: http: / /

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The advantage of a face magnetic and indecipherable as his, with those two slots of ice slightly imborsite (despite his young age, 29 years old in February), eloquent more than a thousand words, a little bit at Brad Pitt (without bother Paul Newman), a contemporary style-elegant, effortlessly keep track cool, and a chameleon vocation on the set,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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